What is SACE?

The Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) exists to empower individuals affected by sexual abuse and assault, and empower communities to take action against sexual violence.

The Sexual Assault Centre provides the following services without fees to clients:

To book a presentation or speak to a counsellor, please contact our business line at (780) 423-4102.  Our TTY line is (780) 420-1482.  If you are in crisis, please contact our 24-Hour-Crisis Line to speak with a volunteer: (780) 423-4121.


  1. Leanne said,

    I am looking to getting my 11 year old daughter into group councelling. Could you please provide me with the groups you have available, times, dates, etc.

    She is currently in councelling at the saffron centre in sherwood park.

    Please let me know..


  2. sacetalks said,

    Hi, Leanne! I just responded to your message in an email. In case you didn’t get it though, your best bet is to ask for the child & adolescent intake worker at our business line (780 423 4102). Thanks for getting in touch!

  3. Linda said,

    I am an RSW interested in obtaining employment with your organization. I have 25 years of experience, ten of which has been working exclusively with sexual abuse victims and their families. I would appreciate it if you could provide me any information that would assist me in attaining my goal of employment.



    • sacetalks said,

      Hi Linda!

      For more information on working with SACE, you can send an email to info@sace.ab.ca and let them know you’re interested in working for the organization.

  4. Mark said,

    Thank you for this highly informative and useful blog that educates victims and provides them with the resources they need.

  5. tracy said,

    i would like to know about any classes or groups i could attend.

    • sacetalks said,

      Depending on what you are looking for we have a few options.

      Our Public Education department does educational presentations and workshops on topics like sexual assault, healthy relationships, etc. In the future, we plan to hold education sessions at our centre that would be open to anyone. However, right now we typically go out to organizations, community groups, schools, etc and do presentations there. If you are interested in booking a presentation, you can e-mail us at publiced@sace.ab.ca.

      Our Counselling department offers group counselling. If you are interested in something like that, you can call our business line at 780 423-4102.

  6. Christina said,

    Hi. I’ve always wanted to work with women who gave been assaulted, abused, etc as it is very near and dear to my heart. I don’t know where to start. I had a friend suggest to get in touch with shelters, etc because you might be able to point me in the right direction. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    • sacetalks said,

      Hi Christina,

      Thank you for your inquiry. You should consider becoming a volunteer with SACE! SACE is looking for dedicated and compassionate people looking to make positive contributions to their communities. Volunteers at SACE work in a supportive community of like-minded individuals striving to create change around issues of sexual violence. There are several different ways to get involved with SACE:
      • Be a supportive listener on our 24-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Line
      • Help the public education program with presentations, research, and special events planning
      • Provide office support by compiling statistics, scheduling volunteers, newsletter production, typing, photocopying, research, etc.
      • Serve on our Board of Directors or on various Board Committees
      • Help with fundraising and special events

      Whether you have a lot of free time or just a few hours to give, there is room for you at SACE! SACE accepts volunteers of all genders, sexualities and backgrounds. For more information about getting involved in our volunteer program check out our website at http://www.sace.ab.ca or call the Director of Volunteer Services at 780-423-4102.

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