June 2, 2014

Misogyny Is Not Mental Illness

Posted in Current Events, hate crimes, Men's role in sexual assault, Popular Culture, privilege and oppression, Rape Culture, Uncategorized, Victim Blaming at 8:39 pm by sacetalks

Written by Cynthia

We can’t write the Isla Vista killer off as “just another crazy person”. First and foremost, this is a cruel disservice to people living with mental health disabilities, who are actually far more likely to be victims of violent crime than its perpetrators. Yes, Elliot Rodger saw a therapist. But, by his own admission, that’s not why he killed and injured people. He did so because he believed he was entitled to women’s bodies and was enraged that they didn’t see it his way.

What’s more, he expressed these ideas in multiple Internet forums where they went utterly unchallenged. Some of those forums are even devoted to promoting such hatred. They’re reinforcing a deeply toxic concept of manhood that hurts everyone involved.

Misogyny is the issue here, not mental illness. But it’s not just present on the forums Rodger haunted; as PZ Myers puts it, “[I]t’s not just MRAs and PUAs that spread that poison. Every politician and media blowhard who bargains away women’s rights, who dismisses efforts to correct economic inequities, or patronizingly decides that they must manage women’s lives for them, is polluting the atmosphere further.”

The #YesAllWomen hashtag on Twitter (so-called as a response to the frequent cry “Not all men” that often reframes issues of violence against women to be about men) showcases these issues, too, as people relate stories of misogynist violence and misogynists attempt to commandeer the tag by posting vitriol. Also on Twitter, Melissa McEwan sums up the problem with pointing at mental illness as the cause of this mass murder: “Dismissing violent misogynists as ‘crazy’ is a neat way of saying that violent misogyny is an individual problem, not a cultural one.” Indeed: if Elliot Rodger was sick, then society itself is sick.

What’s the cure? Continuing to challenge the idea that anyone is entitled to access another person’s body. Continuing to reinforce that women are not prizes earned by accumulating possessions or currying favour. Continuing to, as this mom did in this fantastic post, teach our children this lesson.

February 7, 2013

The Myth of False Allegations

Posted in Myths, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 8:28 pm by sacetalks

As a public educator at SACE, one of the most important aspects of my job is myth busting. There are countless myths out there about sexual assault. These myths are incredibly harmful because they typically blame survivors and excuse offenders, which contribute to an environment where sexual assault is not only allowed, but tacitly condoned.

The myth that I want to address today is the myth that people who ‘claim’ to have experienced a sexual assault are often lying about it, supposedly because they regret a one night stand, or wish to vengefully defame a former partner. This myth actually has a lot of different aspects and hashing out all of them would make this post cumbersomely long, so today I am going to specifically focus on clearing up some common misunderstandings about reporting and the court process.

First of all, I would like to say that sexual assault is a VERY under-reported crime. In Canada, we know that only 1/10 sexual assaults are reported to the police. Of that fraction, only 1/10 proceed to court, and of that fraction only 1/3 result in a successful conviction. This gives sexual assault an overall conviction rate of 0.33%!

Also, the process of reporting is not simple. It involves a lot more than just going the police station, making a one-time report, and washing your hands of the matter. Sexual assault is a notoriously difficult crime to prosecute, and I don’t just mean for the Crown. It’s also an extremely emotionally taxing experience for the survivor who often has to spend two years of his or her life in and out of court, having to see that offender over and over, being interrogated by defense lawyers, family, friends and the prosecutor. It is not a fun process and no one in their right mind undertakes such an ordeal for petty or trivial purposes.

On the subject of the court process, I would like to clear up two common misconceptions I often hear that are related to the myth that people frequently lie about being sexually assaulted: The belief that if a sexual assault is reported and it does not go to court, then that means the survivor was lying and the police knew she or he was lying; and the belief that if a sexual assault does go to court but does not result in a conviction, then that means the accused was ‘innocent’ and the survivor was lying.

Our legal system works in the favor of the defendant. By that, I mean that all the benefit of the doubt is given to the defendant. Our system is designed this way because it would be very bad for everyone if it was easy to convict people of crimes they did not commit. Most of the time this is a good thing – we all want to be protected from the possibility of being punished for something we are not guilty of. Unfortunately, the flip side of this judicial design is that victims of crime (or rather, their legal counsel) bear the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused victimized them in exactly the way they claim. I should be clear that survivors of sexual assault who are seeking justice in the court system are by no means personally responsible for proving anything – that is solely the responsibility of the Crown prosecutor. I am just trying to illustrate the practical implications of a legal system that prioritizes preventing unlawful conviction over delivering justice to victims of crime.

Because of the nature of sexual assault, it is difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to a third party exactly what happened. This is because sexual assault is something that does not generally happen in the presence of witnesses who can corroborate the accounts. It is also difficult to prove because the issue is not whether or not sexual contact occurred – that can sometimes be confirmed with medical tests, but whether there was consent.

When a sexual assault is reported to the police, the police pass that information along to the Crown prosecutor who assesses the likelihood of that case resulting in a conviction in court – i.e. how likely is it that the sexual assault can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. If the Crown deems that it is unlikely that the sexual assault can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, generally because of an understandable lack of evidence and witnesses, then the case will not proceed to court. That does not mean either the police or the Crown does not believe that survivor. It just means that sexual assault is a difficult crime to prosecute, and because our legal system prioritizes protecting people from unlawful conviction over providing justice to victims of crime (and I am not passing judgment on that priority), the burden of proof is too great for that particular situation.

Similarly, if a case does proceed to court but the accused is found to be ‘not guilty’, this does not mean the accused is ‘innocent’. It means that there was not enough evidence to verify the survivor’s account beyond a reasonable doubt. It may be that the judge, the jury, and the lawyers are quite convinced that the accused is in fact guilty, but if there is room for any reasonable doubt, than that benefit of that doubt is always given to the accused. Of course, it is also possible that someone who is found to be ‘not guilty’ at their trial is in fact totally innocent, but the point I am trying to make is that ‘not guilty’ and ‘innocent’ are not the same thing and courts are not in the business of determining ‘innocence’.

Another reason we know that it is rare for someone to lie about being sexually assaulted is because police statistics consistently show that, of those sexual assaults that are reported (and remember, only 1/10 are reported), only 2-3% turn out to be false allegations. This is actually slightly lower than false reporting for other crimes such as breaking and entering, or auto theft, but when someone says their car was stolen; people don’t ask “Are you sure? Are you sure you didn’t just lend it out and now you regret it?” While this statistic does show that it is possible for someone to be falsely accused of committing sexual assault and this does sometimes happen, it also shows the disproportionate level of concern society holds for what is actually an exceptionally rare occurrence.

When we believe these myths and put all of our focus and scrutiny on the survivor by doubting her or him, we are not only failing to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions, but we are also neglecting to appreciate the incredible courage it takes for a person to come forward and share an experience of sexual violence. Telling anyone about sexual assault, especially the police or the courts, takes a tremendous amount of strength, and these survivors should be commended and admired for their resiliency.

Next time anyone hears this myth crop up, perhaps in conversation or in a movie or on the news, I encourage them to take a moment with those nearby and do some myth busting. The only focus that should be placed on the actions of the survivor is the utmost respect for the amazing strength and resourcefulness they have displayed in refusing to stay silent.

– Steph

October 18, 2012

Amanda Todd and the Degendered Language of Bullying

Posted in Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, hate crimes, Myths, New Release, Popular Culture, privilege and oppression, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 11:01 pm by sacetalks

Ok, we need to talk about Amanda Todd. We need to talk about Amanda Todd and the misogyny and sexism that led to her death and we need to talk about the deficient language of degendered, deraced and depoliticized “bullying”. I know that I am not the first person to make these connections, but I think the incredibly tragic circumstances that led to Todd’s death need to be widely examined and recognized.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the specifics of this story here is a brief overview: Amanda Todd was a 15 year old girl from BC who recently committed suicide. The factors that led her to make the decision to take her own life are as follows: When Todd was in Grade 7, she was convinced by a man (who she believed to be a boy her own age) in a chat room to flash her breasts on webcam.  He persuaded her to do this by telling her that she was beautiful, perfect and stunning.

A year later, she received a Facebook message from this man in which he threatened to send the screen shot he took of her flashing to everyone she knew if she did not give him “a show”. This man knew personal information about her. He knew the names of her friends and family and what school she attended. Todd did not comply with this demand. This man followed through with his threat and circulated the photo. As a result of the circulation of this picture, Todd was ostracized at her school. She was severely slut-shamed and humiliated on a daily basis. She tried switching schools but the picture and slut-shaming followed her.

 At one point, she met a boy who convinced her that he liked her. Under this pretense, they had sex. The boy later revealed he was lying, he did not have romantic feelings towards Todd, and he made a joke out of Todd for believing him and having sex with him. A veritable lynch mob, including the boy, came together to further slut-shame Todd and even physically assaulted her. Following this event, Todd made her first attempt at suicide. The harassment continued unabated even after this. Last month, after two years of sexual harassment, abuse and isolation, she made a YouTube video telling her story and asked for understanding. Last Wednesday, she took her own life.

Since this story broke, there has been an international outcry against “bullying”. Widespread condolences have been sent to her family and renewed commitments to taking “bullying” seriously have been made by many school and government officials. However, there is very little mention of the sexism and misogyny that defines Todd’s story, and there is even less recognition of the systemic and structural causes of Todd’s torment. Her story is different from the everyday experience of girls and women by degree, not by kind. Saying Todd’s life was claimed by “bullying” obscures the real, concrete ways people experience oppression because of gender, race, sexual orientation and able-bodiedness. It also denies the many ways that these characteristics constrain and shape a person’s behavior, actions and life.

For instance, much of the news coverage focuses on the fact that once a girl has a nude picture on the web, that picture can never be taken back. Framing the issue like this suggests that the moral of the story is “girls, don’t put pictures of yourself on the internet because look what can happen”. This understanding of Todd’s story misses two key points: First of all, we cannot fairly hold girls accountable for behaving in ways that suggest their self worth is based on their desirability and sexuality without also taking responsibility for the fact that we as a society force this message down their throats. We do this with media, with advertising, with lingerie football, with cheerleaders, with Halloween costumes, with jokes, with off-hand comments, with fairy tales, with coloring books, and with Barbie dolls, to name just a few examples. Secondly, where is mention of the perpetrators in this “moral”? Why isn’t the moral of the story “don’t spread pornographic images of people around without their consent, and if you receive a pornographic image of someone without their consent, know that this person is being victimized by an abuser, delete the picture(s) immediately, and support the victim/survivor by letting them know that what has been done to them is wrong and is not their fault”. Isn’t that a clearer, more supportive and responsive message than vaguely telling people not to bully while still suggesting the situation was the victim’s fault?

The generic language of bullying cannot capture the structural and highly gendered reality of Todd’s story. Todd was not simply “bullied”. These were not acts of childish immaturity; there were behaviors and attitudes that were learned from the adult world.  Allow me to contextualize.  Todd’s story actually begins with 13 years of gendered conditioning and sexist cultural messages. She is then victimized by an online predator who uses this conditioning to his advantage. She is slut-shamed, victim-blamed and ostracized by her peers (who have also been raised in a culture steeped in systemic sexism) for being victimized. We know that this piece of Todd’s story is not unique because we know the challenges survivors face in a society that only focuses on the actions and behaviors of the victim without questioning those of the perpetrator. At some point during the next two years of torment, she is assaulted by a boy who lies to her and manipulates her with malicious intent. The fact that this episode is called sex rather than assault (because consent obtained through lying, manipulation or coercion is not valid consent!) in all of the news reports I have come across further demonstrates the systemic, culture-wide sexist attitudes that prevail. As a result of two years of sexual harassment, slut-shaming, victim-blaming, sexual assault and isolation, Amanda Todd chooses to take her own life.

Framing this story in terms of “bullying” glosses over the lived realities of gender-based violence. It makes it sound like this “bullying” could happen to anyone, but that’s not true. This particular story could not have happened to a boy or man. It also could not have happened if we lived in a culture that did not accept discrimination based on gender and that supported and believed survivors of sexual abuse and blamed only the perpetrators. We have to recognize the specific oppressions that people face because of their gender, race, sexual orientation and able-bodiedness and work hard to rid our individual attitudes and our cultural systems of these prejudices. We owe this to Amanda Todd.

– Stephanie

September 17, 2010

This week in the news (September 10 – 17, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), Intimate Partner Violence, News Release, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 11:03 pm by sacetalks

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.


Women’s groups blast Eskimos’ hiring choice

Tillman hiring spawns plenty of reaction

Morinville teacher denies sexual assault allegations

Teacher not guilty of sex charges

Hearing on hotel attack charges set for March

United Way aims for fundraising record


Teen charged with sex assault

Local briefs – September 16


Police searching for suspect involved in sexual assault at house party

Two arrested in connection to rave sex assault

Sexual assault victim tells her story

Gang rape photos on Facebook: police

Man faces child sex charges from ’90s

Weekend sexual assault prompts warning from Vancouver police

Mounties on the hunt for man assaulting Kelowna women

5 charged in beating, sex assault

No remorse for sexual assault: Crown

Four years for sexual assault of 12-year-old

Woman grabbed on street; suspect charged with sex assault, kidnapping

Whitby McDonald’s manager charged with sexual offences against minors

Doctor faces abuse charges before College

Alibis key as sex assault trial wraps

Women and men Take Back the Night

Taking a stand

Taking back the night

Lack of DNA evidence halts sex trial

Prosecutor calls for 19-year sentence for HIV sex-assailant

Springhill physician pleads not guilty to sex assault charge

Mark Lafleur arrested

Teen Male Arrested For Sexual Offences

Elizabeth Fry Society reports an increase of sex assault complaints

Laffin lets lawyer appear for him on sex assault charges

Foot fetishist ‘dangerous sex offender’

Defrocked priest convicted of sex assaults paroled

Bail denied for accused Regina man

Border guard ordered strip searches: Crown

March to raise awareness about sexual violence

Grads gone wild

Take Back the Niagara rally goes Thursday

Victim saved by ‘angel’ relives frightful horror

Consequences needed

SJR making changes after sex abuse charges

More charges laid

Pratas facing two counts of failing to comply with bail conditions

Take Back the Night marching this Friday

Charge stayed due to doctor’s mental state

Sean Funk pre trial rescheduled

Woman, 34, sexually assaulted at North York massage parlour

Men found guilty

Officer’s trial adjourned

City man charged following criminal harassment investigation

Images spread so quickly, impossible to recall

Judge stays sex charges against man

Drug dealer guilty of rape

‘She’s going to be missed’

Teens appear in court on murder charge

Renald Côté to participate in UofM rehabilitation program

Annual march designed to help women Take Back the Night

Taking back the night

Ottawa police seek man who grabbed schoolgirl

Nine months for sex assault

Assailant was mentally ill: lawyer

Man charged in gruesome cemetery case

‘Con Air’ sends another one back to Ontario

‘Fen’ MacIntosh sentencing adjourned after defence objects to report

Psychiatric assessment ordered for man guilty of Courtice assault

Lepage abandons appeal

Man charged with assaulting a Toronto sex worker

Man deemed delusional when he slashed wife

Trial postponed in case of Quebec gym teacher accused of sex with her student

Safety main reason cited by coalition to keep gun registry

Man charged with disturbing graves in Baker Lake

Guilty plea for sexual assault of child

True shame belongs to the violent

Judge to decide on location of Proctor homicide trial

Adult Community Healing Resource Centre Opens October 1, 2010 in Cornwall Ontario

Vicious beating leaves victim’s kin traumatized

At OPP recruitment, gays set to protest “history of brutal policing”

Lawyers to present pretrial motions Nov. 22 in bishop’s child porn case

More sex charges a possibility

Rape trial stayed as woman avoids court after recanting charges

Preliminary inquiry in Dartmouth murder case set for March

The naked truth: It’s there somewhere

Sex attack suspect: mother ‘raised me to respect women’

Time served for scissors stabbing; neither man remembers attack

Take Back The Night

Granddad admits sex crimes against two

Police “aggressively” investigating jail cell incident


Teen alleges sexual assault, Fonzie the Clown charged

Judd opens up about sex assault

Sharpe takes leave from CBS after assault allegation

Christopher Hitchens: What if the Church’s own rules applied to it?

Reporter’s foray into Jets locker-room touches off debate

High cost of antique treaties

Filipino man jailed for having child porn

Rotten settles attack case

Israeli Soldiers Sexually Abuse Palestinian Children

Woman drags naked man by his beard

August 13, 2010

This week in the news (August 6 – 13, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), hate crimes, homophobia, Intimate Partner Violence, News Release, Victim Blaming at 8:24 pm by sacetalks

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.


HIV positive man jailed for drunken sex


Red Deer care worker arrested, charged with sexual assault

Warning issued about freed sex offender

X-ray Alberta foster kids, judge says

More security cameras placed in cabs


Priest charged with decades old sex assault

Woman hit with hammer, sexually assaulted

Sexual assault is a crime, no matter who’s assaulted

New Charges For Man Accused of Sexual Assault

Cornwall man faces sexual assault charge

Teen reports sexual assault

Man arrested in NB wanted for violent sex assault in US

Suspect wanted in Etobicoke sex attack

Guilty verdict in Fountainhead trial

Playing fast and loose with crime statistics

14 year old boy charged with sexual assault in Newmarket

Senior citizen facing sexual assault charges

Northumberland OPP officer accused of sexual assault

Student teachers in Abbotsford, Surrey face sex charges

Suffering in silence

Cabbie accused of sex assault back behind wheel

Victoria-area Catholic priest faces sex charges involving children

Priest had past allegations of sexual abuse against kids

Helping Anishinabek Victims Of Crime

Coquitlam substitute teacher charged with fifth sex-related offence

Teenager not guilty of rape and sexual assault

Male Charged with Sexual Offences

Molester gets 20-month jail term

Sixty Seven Year Old Man Arrested On Sexual Assault In Quesnel

Ex-inmate launches suit against BC, guard

Priest faces more sex charges

RNC investigating case of suspicious person who approached child in CBS

Stronger self results in victim retelling story of abuse

Police receive stream of tips about priest in sex case

Church issues defence in sex assault suit

Woman tells court fear prevented her trying to fight off rapist

Ottawa man charged with sexual assault, forceable confinement

Date deferred again for poz man awaiting trial

Family ‘incensed’ over comments by Ashbury official

BC used penile teen sex test for decades

P.A. teacher back in court on sex charges

Suspect in Oshawa sex assault arrested

Man jailed for sexual assault on teenage girl

Dangerous sex offender sought in Abbotsford area

Inmate attack nets more time in jail

Vannatter to stand trial

Former football player faces charges

Kitchener man charged with sexually assaulting woman in her 80s

Suspect in rooming house death makes appearance

Doctor gets a year in jail

Wilbert Marshall sworn in as chief of Chapel Island

Basilians say money was to help alleged victim heal


California Mom Facing 67 Sexual Assault Charges

Attorney says probe officer who was with Roethlisberger in Ga. is inactive

Goa media urged to overlook tourism-related misadventures

August 6, 2010

This week in the news (July 30 – August 6, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), Intimate Partner Violence, News Release, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 9:54 pm by sacetalks

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.


Molester pummelled by convict


Former city psychiatrist faces 20 new sex charges

Sex attack lands 30-month jail term


Vancouver police seeking clues in sexual assault case

Ottawa police seek same man in two sexual assaults

Toronto police searching for sexual assault suspect

Saskatoon man gets prison term for 2008 sexual assault of 14-year-old

Proposal to put ‘rape’ back in criminal code abandoned

Missing teen sex assault victim sought

Man gets four years’ probation for assault during Ashbury trip

SIU investigates sex assault allegations against OPP officer

Suspect in bench assault due in court Aug. 31

Police are looking for person who followed sex assault suspect

Toronto residents fail to report crime due to perceived hassle, insignificance

Cyberpredator gets 10 years less time served

Victim Impact Statements

Man arrested for alleged sexual assault in town

Sex offender called risk to females of all ages

Man arrested for sexual assault

Man Accused in Sexual Assault at St. Vincent Hospital Denied Bail

Sexual assault charges dropped

Victims of sex abuse must be able to tell their stories

Boy was assaulted, say police

Former Saanich priest arrested on multiple sex charges

Woman sexually assaulted in downtown Vancouver

Former massage therapist wants ‘life back’

Two arrests, many charges

Sex offender lacks remorse, court told

Assault charge for ex-Lion

Ex-Blue QB on Texas wanted list

Pedophile’s harsh sentence hardly enough

DNA key difference

A woman’s place is on the police force

Dangerous sexual offender Koenders could be in Abbotsford

Long-term offender granted 3 short unescorted outings

Sex Assault Suspect and Fifteen Year-Old Victim Located

Mistaken inmate release under review

No one has the right to abuse

Manitoba inmates accidentally freed

Kelowna’s Most Wanted

Hearing begins into sex attack on woman

Offender back to prison

Prisoner released by mistake in Newfoundland

HIV-related criminal cases based on fear, not science, say advocates

Former Port Alice doctor sentenced – maintains innocence

Controversy Over NLHC Tenant

Band: Sex offender shouldn’t be chief

Indian Affairs rules sex offender is chief

Young girl attacked in school bathroom

So disturbing it is almost impossible to watch: judge


Self Proclaimed “Indian” Spiritual Guru Jailed For Rape

Unresolved legal situation leaves Packers CB Underwood unclear on future

Goa home minister, son linked to drug mafia: Scarlett’s mother

Al Gore cleared of sex assault allegations

August 4, 2010

This week in the news (July 23 – 30, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), Intimate Partner Violence, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 10:29 pm by sacetalks

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.


Busted by science? Bank on it


Calgary psychiatrist facing 20 more counts of sexual assault

Masseuse’s sex assault case delayed

Man admits to raping wife in front of child

Rapist seeks appeal but denied bail

Wife reported child porn suspect: court documents


Police release composite sketch of sexual assault suspect

Cab driver gets four years for sexually assaulting fare

Sketches of sex assault suspects released

North Saanich man not guilty of sexual assault and forcible confinement

Man arrested in sex assault at Ottawa respite-care centre

Man charged with voyeurism, making child porn, sexual assault

Ottawa police won’t review HIV disclosure policy

Retired doctor gets a year in sex-assault cases

Luxton sex assault shocks residents

Elder avoids jail term for sex assault

Man, 18, arrested in connection with Regina sexual assault

Community Gathers Around Victim Of Cemetery Sexual Assault

Burford man charged with assault of teen

Surrey man gets 13-1/2 years for child porn involving own daughters

Man guilty of sex crimes against two boys

Male facing sexual assault charges

11 years in jail doesn’t seem enough for sex tourist

Sask. woman admits making up nightmare sex-assault tale

Few sex assault victims seek help

Winnipeg teaching aide charged with sex assault

Sex charge prompts probe of youth-offencer penile test

Does HIV trump privacy?

Soaring crime rate pushing Nunavut’s judges past limit

G8/G20 Communique: G20 violence against women

Police still working on 2001 murder at CFB Trenton

Man charged after teen girl sexually assaulted on railway tracks: police

Repeat sex offenders should feel full weight of law

Suspect’s bail revoked in HIV murder attempt case

Teen rapist implicated by DNA

Five years for sex assault

BC doctor guilty in sex assault of teen patient

Victim’s brother in court to see accused colonel

‘Dangerous’ status sought for sex offender

3 fugitives nabbed by police in NB, Quebec

Charges Laid in Freeman Park Aggravated Assault

Sexual assault arrest

Beware of fake police

Man faces sex-related charges

The jamboree — some list of ‘highlights’

Williams’ wife ‘innocent victim’

Man jailed for missing court three years ago

Historic sex offender ordered deported

Assaulted on first date

P.A. sex exploitation case adjourned

Child pornographer released

Man charged with sexually assaulting girlfriend

House arrest extended to workshop for Millbrook man

Target johns, not prostitutes

Sex offender sues over alleged police beating

Teens charged in Kimberly Proctor murder appear in Victoria court

Durham police lay child porn charge


Michael Lyons AKA Mohan Singh sentenced for rape in London, England

A mission of mercy, mourning

Utah court reverses Jeffs’ convictions

Following a script to escape a nightmare

No consent? No problem!

‘Scarlett threatened by local few weeks before death’

People often regard massage therapists as prostitutes

Jurors in Pitino extortion trial watch TV interview

Jury finds Texas man guilty of starving 3 children

Casey Affleck sued for sexual harassment

US family sues Catholic diocese after accuser in priest abuse case commits suicide

July 20, 2010

This week in the news (July 9 – 16, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), Intimate Partner Violence, Popular Culture, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 10:07 pm by sacetalks

Last week’s news post was delayed because of tech problems, but we’re back online now!

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.



Accused in sex assault thought man was awake

Field trip sex was consensual, college teacher testifies

Man charged with sexual assault


Attempted murder charges for man arrested in vicious cemetery sex assault

Halifax police seek possible witness in sex assault

Sketch released of Burnaby sex-assault suspect

Sexual assault suspect denies charges

Trucker sought in sex assault, kidnapping case

St. Catharines man faces numerous sexual assault charges

Aggravated sexual assault suspect deported despite investigation

A trauma made worse

Women gather to decry hospitals’ lax standards for sexual assault staff

Man, 29, faces more sex assault charges in Waterloo

NL man convicted of sexual assault on salesman

Questions about how Regina police handled sexual assault and kidnapping case

Czapnik accused to appear on sex assault charges

Man wanted for assault on Oshawa sex worker

Arrest made in Vancouver sexual assault

Home invasion and sexual assault

Pal alerts Crime Stoppers

Police fear more victims

Jail counsellor coerced female inmate into sex

Man wanted in Copper Street sexual assault case located

Millbrook man receives house arrest for sexual assault from late ’60s

Sex offender’s bail hearing adjourned for one week

Murderer and rapist gets life sentence

Sexual assault suspect sought

Dangerous sex offender may be hiding in Toronto

Date set for trial

Poon released

QW man jailed two years

On paper, there are many risks to public security

Sex offender back in custody, faces more charges

Police seek dangerous sex offender

Bail hearing Tuesday for man facing sex assaults

UCDSB Apologizes to Abuse Victims

Man faces 15 years after guilty plea for molesting girls

Man, 29, found guilty of using Net to lure 2 girls

Pedophile pornographer apologizes

Pickering man accused of assaulting women at party

Gangster chooses 10-year sentence

Couple deserves 10 years for ‘heinous crime,’ Crown says

Sex offence sentences raised by PEI judge

Repeat violent offender faces new charge

Senior faces Internet luring charges

Man wanted for impersonating a police officer

Suspect wanted by regional police arrested in Ottawa

Man groped mentally disabled women

Rozon’s mayoralty musings are no laughing matter

Sex offender admits obscene call

Law firm seeks damages for man who took rap for Bernardo crime

Sex offender Baker granted early day parole


Russian pianist Pletnev says Thai sexual assault charge ‘a trivial scandal

Justice denied

Florida Day Care Assault Raises Questions About Inspections

Olympic cyclist sentenced for underage sex

Deaf inmate seeking exoneration in Texas says print matching sex offender proves his innocence

Malaysia gov’t minister visits Borneo tribe after fresh claims of girls raped by loggers

June 25, 2010

This week in the news (June 18 – 25, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), Intimate Partner Violence, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 10:06 pm by sacetalks

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.


Victim in Svekla child sex assault files suit


Woman’s complaint leads to sex assault charge against Okotoks massage therapist

Walker guilty of sexual assault

Court dismisses sex offender’s appeal

Man convicted in butcher knife attack sentenced to prison

Judge warns of rising ‘degree of violence’ in sentencing high-risk sex offender

Rape suspect could be in Alberta

Crown seeks jail for sex offender for violating release conditions


US man facing sex charge in Saskatchewan

Man jailed 27 years for sexual assaults appeals conviction

Crown to seek adult sentences in Victoria teen slaying

Exams were purely medical, MD tells sexual assault trial

Nanny pleads quilty to sexual assault

Defence rests at sexual assault trial

Man Charged In Sexual Assaults

Police seek sex assault suspect

Woman sexually assaulted by 2 males in park, say cops

Saskatoon Police Hunt For Sexual Assault Suspect

Woman Attacked Along Academy Road

Winnipeg soccer coach charged with sex abuse of girl

Sex assault victims close to settlement

Second alleged ‘Westdale flasher’ arrested

Abbotsford teacher faces sex charges involving 15-year-old student

RCMP investigating sexual assault in rural town

Sexual assault hearing against Truro man to be heard in Halifax

Man guilty in luring case ‘blind’ to victim’s age

Former Penguin boss claims relationship consensual

Sask. man convicted of sexually assaulting sleeping disabled woman

Sexual assault between Freeman Street and Gillet Street

No breach of Aziga’s rights

Comox Valley teens being lured to sex parties: RCMP

Reliving her nightmare

Axe-wielding man seeks vigilante justice

Ottawa police seek man wanted in Central Park sex assault

Williams case adjourned for one month

Coach accused of sexual relationship with girl, 17

Consent for sex didn’t apply to twin, appeal court rules

Man facing sex assault charge

Male Arrested and charged for Sexual Offences

Molester ‘Grandpa’ pleads guilty


Police warn parents of ‘grooming’

Charges laid in NHS assault

We need justice, not grandstanding

Parliament Passes Bill to Prevent Homolka Pardon

Man guilty of Courtice assault collecting three-for-one time

Shedding light on elder abuse

Multiple abuse sufferer finally finds some solace at assault centre

Craig to plead guilty to peace bond breach

Hospital worker forced to leave after racial, sexual harassment

Safety concerns raised after sex assault in Glebe park

Stumbling on issue of children at risk

People take offender concerns online

Intimate relations in nursing homes

Doctor banned from hospital

Charges dismissed

A tale of torture

Two more years in jail for sexually assaulting 12-year-old girl

Police say offender at shelter

Sex offender will have extra conditions

Man gets 18 months for sexual assault of babysitter


No charges in Al Gore sex allegation

Female condom helps catch attackers, doctor says

Lawrence Taylor indicted on New York rape charge

Sexual assault accusation against Mets’ Santana thrown out

Man denies rape and burglary ‘Night Stalker’ charges

Fat Joe Questioned About Sexual Assault Complaint In Madison, WI

Deputy US marshal ‘shocked’ to find fugitive from Texas rape case working as cop in Bahamas

Catholic church accused of fraud in US, allowing alleged molester priest to work in Mexico

June 11, 2010

This week in the news (June 4 – 11, 2010)

Posted in Age of consent, Child Sexual Abuse, Current Events, Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (Rape Drugs), Intimate Partner Violence, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming at 8:12 pm by sacetalks

The following is a list of news articles and editorials on sexual assault in communities across the globe (over the past 7 days).  Many of the articles below may contain victim-blaming language, distortion of information which supports sexual assault myths, and/or triggering content.  What these articles do showcase is the prevalence of sexual assault (given that only a small percentage of the 1 in 10 sexual assaults in Canada which are reported receive media attention, several articles on sexual assault within one week indicate a huge number of assaults), what kinds of sexual assaults are reported and how rampant sexual assault myths are.  Please be aware that SACE does not support the content or delivery of any of the following news pieces.


Calgary LRT killer files appeal

Local briefs – June 10

Kidnap, rape ‘exaggerated’


Man charged after sexual assault at Humber Bay Park West

Former Saskatoon doctor Krishna Vittala found guilty of sexual assault

Sexual assault trial against Dr. Edward Poon opens in Regina

Female patients testify that Regina doctor touched them inappropriately

Man who touched girl convicted of sexual assault

Cops need help in sex assault mystery

New sex-assault charges laid against alleged police-killer

Sexsomnia more common than Toronto researchers thought

Testing faith in niqab case is fair, complainant agrees

Niqab fight goes to top Ont. court

Kelowna rapist gets 5-year prison term

Teen, 16, stalked women with rape kit

Coquitlam teacher charged again

Saanich man extradited from England to face charges of sex offences against children

Trenton man facing two sexual assault charges

Truro, NS, men not guilty of sex assault

Jury to deliberate on sexual assault case today

Police release composite sketch of sexual assault suspect

Teen sentenced in truth-or-dare sex assault

Lindsay man pleads guilty to sexual assault

Desmond released from jail

Girl at risk because mom supports pedophile stepdad: Judge

Sicamous man gets one year in prison for sexual assault

‘High risk’ offender arrested for harassment

CAS shaken by ‘horrific’ abuse

Diocese, province settle with sex assault victims

Deportation delayed for sex assault suspect

Court documents provide first glimpse of Col. Williams’ wife’s devastation

Man appeals skywalk sex assault conviction

Person of interest wanted in connection to sex assault case

St. Catharines teen arrested in park sex attack

Another new charge for man accused of spreading HIV in Ottawa

Hunt on for high-risk sex offender missing from Vancouver halfway house

Killer admits to assault on sex-trade worker

Sex assault complaints up

HIV non-disclosure and the law in Canada

Aurora man charged with 8 counts of sex assault

‘Groundbreaking’ project helps abused women

Man accused of assaulting four co-workers

Sex offender gets day parole

Woman sexually assaulted in Mississauga. Composite released

Freedom brief for high-risk offender

Manitoba groups oppose pardon changes

Man gets four years for branding niece with machete

Teenager charged with raping Staines woman

Two-year prison sentence sought for man who had sexual intercourse with young daughter

Man gets nine months for assaulting prison guard

Parents warned about online predators

Bail delayed as HIV accused remains in custody

Not a done deal yet

Court records: What you can see and what you can’t

Badgerow’s fate in jury’s hands

Civil servant removed from taxicab board


Green Bay Packer accused of sexual assault

Packers’ Underwood facing sexual assault claim

Police: Money Exchanged Between Packer And Accuser

Ben Roethlisberger: I was dumb, young and immature

Kristen Stewart Apologizes for Paparazzi-Rape Comparison

Ex-CIA Official Pleads Guilty to Sex, Weapon and Cocaine Charges

Children behind Israeli bars

Britney Spears accused of sexual assault

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